About VT

Understanding about Vicarious Traumatisation (VT) is relevant to anyone who supports other people who are suffering, regardless of whether the suffering is physical, emotional or both.

The simple truth is that whether we show it or not, the idea that we can daily hear and see other people's suffering and trauma without being affected by this, is as impossible as immersing ourselves in water and not getting wet.

Helping roles range widely, from health-care professionals to paramedics, from home carers to the police. We will call everyone helpers.

VT is one of a number of ways in which helpers can be impacted by their work. Although it is becoming more widely recognised, VT is still frequently missed or mistaken for other things, particularly Burnout.

About VT

Helpers typically put on a brave face - until they keel over.

VT awareness and recognition by helpers and by helping organisations, benefits everyone... Helpers, the people they help, the helping organisations they work for and their families and friends, by:

  • Enabling helpers experiencing VT to recover more effectively
  • Building greater resilience to VT (and also Burnout)

Neuroscience is educating us that self-care is not only important, but absolutely essential for helpers and for helping organisations to prioritise. But typically, self-care is last on a helper's 'to-do' list, who often just keeps going until they keel over.

The COVID-19 pandemic has especially impacted people in helping & support roles, due to increased risks, anxieties and work stresses. So, the need for VT awareness and robust self-care - both in and out of work - is more important now than ever.

You cannot pour from an empty cup!

This website offers clear information designed to help you to:

  • Learn what VT is (and isn't)
  • Be able to recognise the signs of VT
  • Understand what can help to strengthen your resilience
  • Identify your own obstacles to effective self-care
  • Find out how to obtain therapeutic support
  • Attend training on VT and self-care
  • Arrange VT and self-care training for your organisation

This short Video provides a brief introduction to Vicarious Traumatisation:

Whether we show it or not, the idea that we can daily hear and see other peoples suffering and trauma without being affected by this, is as impossible as immersing ourselves in water and not getting wet.

Helpers are just as important as the people they support!

Our hope is that this information will strengthen and support your own well-being.
For further information, please contact us via the Contact page.